Wind: My nemesis. Glad I don't live in the southeast though.
And in hindsight, we were due for some snow after Christmas passed.
Cloud 9
Joined on 4/29/21
Wind: My nemesis. Glad I don't live in the southeast though.
And in hindsight, we were due for some snow after Christmas passed.
We've been due for some snow since christmas 2022 passed but we keep getting cold rain :(
@Reganati ahh well my power situations just fine, so i guess im most likely fine then!
good thing i live on the west coast
don't worry you aren't safe either
hah im up in canada with -39 degrees C weather
there is no interesting weather in canada. Canada = hell.
@Reganati WHAT
ahh im in florida, guess that explains the dark clouds and fast winds. The palm tree in my front yard has been bending a bit
Yeah depending on where you are it could've already passed, or is ongoing. that is if your power's still on