Despite the fact this song is called "Space Crystals", I get more of a jungle and city vibe listening to this (probably from the piano and the xylophone-like instruments). I can definitely hear the space theme through half of the song with the pixelated instruments and the sound of what I can only describe as "shiny" noise (I know nothing about instruments, bare with me). At first I considered this to be something you'd hear from a Sonic game, and with the guitar at the end of it along with everything else in the song, it just makes me believe EXACTLY that (and I mean it in a good way).
Your first song after a long hiatus of not making music and it's already awesome, 10/10.
Despite the fact this song is called "Space Crystals", I get more of a jungle and city vibe listening to this (probably from the piano and the xylophone-like instruments). I can definitely hear the space theme through half of the song with the pixelated instruments and the sound of what I can only describe as "shiny" noise (I know nothing about instruments, bare with me). At first I considered this to be something you'd hear from a Sonic game, and with the guitar at the end of it along with everything else in the song, it just makes me believe EXACTLY that (and I mean it in a good way).
Your first song after a long hiatus of not making music and it's already awesome, 10/10.
(Wait, you're female? When did that happen?)
Fun fact: This was originally called "Space jungle" But the letter j broke on my keyboard, so i had to rename it,
(Also i'm not a female)