
Formerly known as tailsefox @Reganati

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Robotic Spaghetti

Posted by Reganati - February 24th, 2024

Robotic Spaghetti made it to 5,000 Views. I never would've thought this would be the song to get me frontpaged.




The song is quite ironic, it's called "Robotic Spaghetti" yet I am getting Western Cowboy vibes from it with no indication on where spaghetti (or at best any reference to Italian culture) would even be implied here (the robot part makes sense since this is confirmed to be a Sonic the Hedgehog inspired track, and it is universally known how well robots and Sonic go together).

The Banjo (and I want to say piano at the start?) definitely sets the tone here really well, introducing us to a relaxing atmosphere emitting off of the song, with the synths only highlighting this fact even more. The drums and synths help give the song a Genesis era Sonic-eque tone to it, along with multiple SFXs from the Sonic games that appear on occasion throughout the song (like the spin dash sound, an alternate version of landing on the needles, and many others I have heard from Sonic Mania, but I can not exactly narrow them down).

Music in the Sonic series comes in many different varieties in terms of tone. Even the classic Sonic era did this with such songs either being fast and high energy, or slow and relaxed, in which case Robotic Spaghetti fits the second one more. This chilled out approach and the way the song prevents itself from getting too crazy definitely does the song justice while also keeping the feeling of this being a Western Cowboy themed song, even if this might not be what you were going for. The song feels like it would have been in an official Sonic game at one point, more specifically it feels like this would have worked as an alternate theme for Mirage Saloon Zone in Sonic Mania, that is how good I believe this song is.

With all of this in mind, I would rate this song a 10/10. Those 5,000 views for the song were completely deserved for how good Robotic Spaghetti is.

how did you find this i posted this 4 months ago