Chat i'm dying from sickness rn...
it feels like i'm deepthroating a sea urchin, and i feel like i got shot in the head by a shotgun
I've actually been sick for a week now, but i for some reason got worse today, and my mother and brother suggested i not go anywhere today.
So why do i tell YOU this? normally i don't make a news post when i get sick...
it's because i used this opportunity to make you some AWESOME EPIC NEW CONTENT!!!! That's right!!! Did you really think i would just lie there and do nothing with my time? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA Of course not.
So i obviously i can't show you everything i'm working on rn but i can show you this cool album cover i just made.
*wintin the album cover*
Yeah pretty cool i think
honestly, he kinda looks like a pissed demon dog in this one, and the fact that he's in the void doesn't help...
Anyway i just wanna know what you think, some have said it's ass, and others have said it's cool
That's it, just really proud of it and wanted an excuse to share it with y'all lel
oh and new song coming.... eh soon enough... so far it's coming together nicely, so i'm kinda excited to finish it :)
*observing wintin*
hope u get better man..